Do This When You Feel Like Poop

Practical steps to get you out of the pits and back into your life

8 min readJul 22, 2020

I woke up feeling off. There’s a pit in my upper stomach region, maybe around my heart. My mind is saying, “Oh no, it’s going to be one of those days.” The days where not much gets done. The days that are just about surviving the day. The days where you can’t wait for bedtime.

I have tried to think my emotions away for over 30 years. My heart finally staged a coup and overthrew my intellect. I know better now.

The truth is, even if I chased all the made up reasons my mind can find, the pit would still be there. And on pit-less days, none of those things would matter much. So if I can’t think my way out of this, is there a better way than muscling through the pain?

Focus on yourself.

Many times we experience difficult emotions without an obvious cause. We wake up with it and have trouble understanding why. We blame everyone we interacted with over the past 24 hours from the cashier at the supermarket to our annoying neighbor. When you see yourself doing this, remember that your emotions are about you.

Yet, sometimes there is one obvious person or event causing our emotional upsets. It is crucial to remember that your emotions are still about…




mom, wife, writer, PhD which means I like to ask questions and look for patterns, basically a preschooler :-)